Math Gold Medalist


2023 AMC 8 

Problem 13

Along the route of a bicycle race, $7$ water stations are evenly spaced between the start and finish lines, as shown in the figure below. There are also $2$ repair stations evenly spaced between the start and finish lines. The $3$rd water station is located $2$ miles after the $1$st repair station. How long is the race in miles?[asy] // Credits given to Themathguyd‎ and Kante314 usepackage("mathptmx"); size(10cm); filldraw((11,4.5)--(171,4.5)--(171,17.5)--(11,17.5)--cycle,mediumgray*0.4 + lightgray*0.6); draw((11,11)--(171,11),linetype("2 2")+white+linewidth(1.2)); draw((0,0)--(11,0)--(11,22)--(0,22)--cycle); draw((171,0)--(182,0)--(182,22)--(171,22)--cycle); draw((31,4.5)--(31,0)); draw((51,4.5)--(51,0)); draw((151,4.5)--(151,0)); label(scale(.85)*rotate(45)*"Water 1", (23,-13.5)); label(scale(.85)*rotate(45)*"Water 2", (43,-13.5)); label(scale(.85)*rotate(45)*"Water 7", (143,-13.5)); filldraw(circle((103,-13.5),.2)); filldraw(circle((98,-13.5),.2)); filldraw(circle((93,-13.5),.2)); filldraw(circle((88,-13.5),.2)); filldraw(circle((83,-13.5),.2)); label(scale(.85)*rotate(90)*"Start", (5.5,11)); label(scale(.85)*rotate(270)*"Finish", (176.5,11)); [/asy]$\textbf{(A)}\ 8 \qquad \textbf{(B)}\ 16 \qquad \textbf{(C)}\ 24 \qquad \textbf{(D)}\ 48 \qquad \textbf{(E)}\ 96$

Arithmetic Sequence

R1 = d/3

W3 = 3d/8
