Math Gold Medalist


2023 AIME II 

Problem 7

Each vertex of a regular dodecagon ($12$-gon) is to be colored either red or blue, and thus there are $2^{12}$ possible colorings. Find the number of these colorings with the property that no four vertices colored the same color are the four vertices of a rectangle.


Consider these diameters A1A7, A2A8, A3A9, A4A10, A5A11, A6A12

If there exist a rectangle with four vertices colored by same color then four endpoints of 2 of the diameters should have same color

Case1) 2 endpoints of all 6 diameters have different colors

Case2) 2 endpoints of only one diameter have same color

Case3) 2 endpoints of only 2 diameters have same color
